10th March, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


Rail Vikas Nigam Limited has been set up as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for executing projects included under "Strengthening of Golden Quadrilateral". The SPV may also undertake other bankable projects covered under National Rail Vikas Yojana (NRVY).

The Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. has been registered as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956 on January 24, 2003. The main objects of the Company as per the Memorandum and Articles of Association are:

To enter into and carry on business relating to creation and augmentation of capacity of Rail infrastructure but not limited to the Golden Quadrilateral alone and its Diagonals connecting the four metros and may include any other project(s) under National Rail Vikas Yojana and related activities.

Acquire, purchase, lease, licence, concession, or assign rail infrastructure assets including contractual rights and obligations.

The National Rail Vikas Yojana includes projects pertaining to (i) Strengthening of Golden Quadrilateral (ii) Strengthening of Rail connectivity to ports and development of multimodal corridors to hinterland (iii) Construction of four Mega Bridges. Funding of these projects is planned through a mix of budgetary and non-budgetary resources. ADB Railway Sector Loan of US$ 313.6 million has been tied up for execution of Golden Quadrilateral strengthening projects. NRVY is to be completed in a time frame of five years.

NRVY includes 62 projects out of which 33 are not sanctioned. Studies of these projects are under process.

A Committee of Additional Members has been constituted to monitor the progress of works under the Yojana.

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