25th June, 2003
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has convened an All Party Meeting on July 18, 2003 to discuss ways and means through which the Public Distribution System (PDS) can be further improved.

Shri Sharad Yadav, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, has been consistently reviewing distribution of foodgrains under PDS to ensure its easy availability to the public. During 2002-03 the offtake of foodgrains from the central pool has improved considerably with the offtake of 198 lakh tonnes of foodgrains from the central pool against an allocation of 315 lakh tonnes registering the highest offtake of foodgrains since the introduction of targeted public distribution system in June, 1997. Offtake by Below Poverty Line families trebled in 2002-03 to 170 lakh tonnes from 44 lakh tonnes in 1997-98. Under Antyodaya Anna Yojana the offtake doubled to 35 lakh tonnes in 2002-03 from the previous year. The offtake of foodgrains by BPL and AAY families clearly indicates the pro-poor bias of the PDS.

The Public Distribution System is operated under the joint responsibility of the State Government and the Central Government. However, the Ministry has set up Task Force Teams, which visit States from time to time to review the programmes and identify shortcomings, which are conveyed to concerned State Governments for necessary remedial action.

Continuous efforts are on to ensure that foodgrains made available through the PDS are of acceptable quality. The Minister has recently directed the FCI to ensure that foodgrains stocks more than three years old are disposed of within two months. This will further improve the quality of foodgrains being made available through the PDS.