25th June, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


Centre has called for networking of various agencies in the government, private sector and NGOs for tackling the problem of drug abuse in a holistic manner. Presiding over a function on the eve of `International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ‘ here today, the Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya said that there is need for coordinating our resources to supplement each other. Dr. Jatiya said that his Ministry has taken up with the State Governments the need for setting up model centres to provide integrated services for the rehabilitation of an addict. He said such model centres one each in rural urban areas would provide services like out reach cum counseling, treatment and rehabilitation. Dr. Jatiya expressed concern of his Ministry for not reaching out the most vulnerable target groups constituting of socio-economically marginalised sections. He said that increasing incidence of substance abuse amongst the street children is disturbing. Referring to the role of UN Agencies, Dr. Jatiya called for their greater resource input. He also sought the support of FICCI in running alcohol and drug abuse prevention programmes at workplaces. He said that his Ministry would encourage all means of communication for educating people on drug abuse. Dr. Jatiya announced institution of National Awards by the Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry for outstanding services for prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse to be given away each year on this day.

Earlier in a message read out at the function, the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan said that this year’s theme ‘Let us talk about drugs’ sums up the best starting point for tackling the problem. He said that an estimated 200 million people worldwide constituting an alarming 4.7% of the global population use illicit drugs. He said that while talking about drug abuse we should address the potential causes and not just the abuse in isolation.

Delivering the keynote address, the Joint Secretary in the SJ&E Ministry, Smt. Jayati Chandra said that a national survey undertaken by the Ministry has revealed disturbing trends on the extent and pattern of drug abuse in the country. She said that 3 million people are addicted to drugs and more than 10 million to alcohol. Majority of them belongs to the productive age group between 21 to 40 years. Smt. Chandra said what is more concerning is that the age of getting introduced to drugs is gradually getting reduced.

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment under the Scheme for Prohibition and Drug Abuse Prevention is giving grant-in-aid upto 90% to eligible NGOs for providing services through the counseling and awareness centres, de-addiction cum rehabilitation centres and for running awareness programmes. Around 400 voluntary organisations are financially assisted for maintaining 450 Centres all over the country comprising of about 300 De-addiction –cum Rehabilitation Centres and 90 Counseling and Awareness Centres. About 25 crore rupees are annually released for this scheme. More than 4 lakh victims of drug abuse are being assisted annually at these Centres. Over Rs. 140 crore have been allocated under the 10th Plan for prevention and control of drug abuse.

Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya released the book "Women and Drug Abuse – The Problem in India" brought out jointly by the Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC on this occasion. Dance Choregrapher Ms. Geeta Chandran presented a performance on this year theme ‘Lets talk about drugs’ at the end. The function was jointly organised by SJ&E Ministry, UNODC – ROSA, Federation of Indian NGOs for Drug Abuse Prevention, Delhi NGO Forum for Drug Abuse Prevention and the FICCI.

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