23rd June, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


The Centre has decided to go in for collaboration in Biotechnology with countries of the European Union, Scandinavia, Latin Ameria, ASEAN countries of Malaysia and Indonesia and strengthening of the same with SAARC nations. This follows the spectacular advances in the fields of new biology and biotechnology; working out the draft sequence of the Human Genome; advancements in the development of new tools and techniques, cell biology, functional genomics, proteomics etc. having become priority areas both for the developed and developing nations.

The Government has proposed that while continuing with the existing joint programmes till logical conclusion, to work out future collaborations with more countries especially during the Tenth Plan period. It has also been decided to widen cooperation in Biotechnology in particular medicinal and aromatic plants with G-15 countries. But with Japan, India has chosen to concentrate on food technology especially in the field of nutrition.

Human Resource Development and training of young scientists in advanced areas are being given high priority. Also, some joint centres in Biotechnology is planned with Russia, Germany and France. Different areas in plant, Animal, Human and Microbial Genomics will be covered under joint collaboration. Appropriate policy decisions for sharing IPR and commercial gains will be worked out during product and process oriented research. Activities relating to India-Singapore biotechnology park, Indo-Russian Centre for Biotechnology and Indo-ASEAN Biotech network, will also be implemented during the period.