22nd June, 2003


Ministry of Commece & Industry

Free Trade Agreement with Thailand soon
India and Thailand are likely to conclude a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) soon ..............................

Ministry of Commece & Industry

Industry to be consulted on WTO non-agricultural market access negotiations - Arun Jaitley
The government will hold extensive consultations with the industry on issues relating to the ongoing non-agricultural market access negotiations in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) before finalising its stand..............................

Prime Minister's Office

Statement by the Prime Minister on his departure for People's Republic of China
The following is the statement by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his departure for People's Republic of China here today..............................

Prime Minister's Office

Appeal by the Prime Minister 'Let us make water conservation a National Mission'
The following is the appeal made by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee for making water conservation a national mission..............................