22nd June, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



India and Thailand are likely to conclude a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) soon. This was indicated when the Thai Minister of Commerce Mr. Adisai Bodharamik called on Mr. Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce and Industry and Law and Justice, for bilateral discussions at Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) last evening. The idea of FTA between India and Thailand was mooted during the visit of the Thai Prime Minister to India in November 2001. Since then, considerable work has been done by both sides in the joint working group
meetings on the subject and the draft framework agreement has almost been finalised. The two-way trade between India and Thailand currently at a little over US $ one billion is way below the potential and the Thai Minister conveyed his government's interest in raising the level of bilateral trade with India substantially taking advantage of the complementarities of these two major Asian economies.

Mr. Jaitley, who is participating in the WTO informal ministerial meeting being hosted by Egypt at Sharm El-Sheikh in the preparatory process to the main Ministerial Conference of the WTO scheduled to be held at Cancun in Mexico later this year, also had bilateral meetings with Mr. Luis Ernesto Derbez, Minister of External Relations of Mexico and Commissioner Pascal Lamy of the European Union (EU). The Minister had an exchange of views with Mr. Derbez and Commissioner Lamy covering both bilateral and multilateral trade issues.

Noting that trade between India and Mexico had been growing at a steady rate but the size and composition of trade was hardly commensurate with the potential, both the Ministers agreed to work for the expansion of bilateral trade by pursuing the proposed preferential trade agreement (draft PTA has been sent to the Mexican authorities); conclusion of a bilateral investment protection agreement (BIPA) and setting up of the proposed Indo Mexican Council for Trade as an institutional mechanism to strengthen trade ties between the two countries. Mr. Jaitley also raised the issue of visa problems faced in Mexico by Indian exporters and the Mexican Minister promised to look into the issue at the highest level.

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