13th June, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


The Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya has assured of all possible support from the Centre for promotion of sports among the mentally challenged children. He was speaking at a sending off ceremony for the Indian delegates to the XI Special Olympics World Summer Games 2003 being held at Dublin, Ireland here today. Wishing the participants a grand success, Dr. Jatiya said that such events provide incentive for personal growth and confidence building. He said that participation in Special Olympics would provide them dignity and a sense of achievement. Dr. Jatiya said society has a major role in ensuring an equal opportunity for such children.

The Indian delegation to the Special Olympics comprises of 83 mentally challenged athletes and 20 coaches. They will participate in 11 of the 21 sports events being held from 21st to 29th June 2003. The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry has provided Rs. 20 Lakh as grant for partly meeting the expenses. The Indian athletes at the last World Games returned with a rich haul of 104 medals including 23 gold.

The XI World Games will showcase the athletic skills, courage and dignity of 7,000 athletes from 166 countries including India. This is the first time that Special Olympics are being held outside the United States.