13th June, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor Project is progressing as per schedule and the design of the 300 MW reactor is ready and undergoing a peer review. Progress has also been reported in the engineering of its fuel handling system as well as reprocessing of the spent fuel. The setting up of the critical facility for conducting AHWR experiment has also picked up momentum. Fabrication of critical equipment for the project has also reached advanced stages.

Being developed by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre the AHWR is capable of using both thorium-uranium-233 and thorium-plutonium mixed oxide as fuel. The AHWRs are intrinsically safe plants which can even be located in major cities without any exclusion zone around them.

Since the uranium potential in the country is capable of going only upto 10,000 MW of nuclear power generation, the experience gained in designing and operating pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR) will enable migration to intermediate fast-breeder type reactors and eventually to the thorium based system, where India's potential is very large. Also the BARC has made a significant achievement with the time taken from hydro-testing to commercial operations reduced to about six years for large power projects. Meanwhile, a reprocessing facility which has become operational last August to separate U-233 from irradiated thorium fuel on a plant scale. With this a vital link has been established in the thorium fuel cycle programme.