9th June, 2003
Ministry of Rural Development  


Ministry of Rural Development has released an amount of Rs. 916.50 lakh for rural drinking water to the State Government of Manipur towards first instalment of funds against the provisional allocation of Rs. 1833.00 lakh for 2003-2004.

As per the guidelines for implementation of Rural Water Supply Programme, 15% of funds under ARWSP(Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme) is meant for quality related problems and 5% for taking sustainability measures under Sub-Mission. States have been requested to delegate powers for management of Rural Water Supply Schemes through the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as per the Constitution of India.

The release is being made for execution/completion of schemes to provide safe drinking water facilities to rural habitations and schools under the Centrally Sponsored ARWSP. The priority shall be accorded to the coverage of Schools and Water Quality affected habitations of the State as provided in the Guidelines for implementation of Rural Water Supply Programme.


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