Several schemes are
in operation and many concessions are provided by the government
for persons with visual impairment in order to improve their living
conditions. These include travel concessions, exemption in customs
and excise duty on various equipments and appliances and incentives
for promoting education.
A number of goods
and appliances have been exempted from customs duty when imported
for self use by the handicapped persons. These include braillewriters
and braille writing equipment, handwriting equipment, braille
frames, slates, writing guides, styli, braille erasers, script
writing guides. Other items carrying customs duty exemption include
Canes, Electronic aids like the Sonic Guide, Optical, Environment
Sensors and Arithmetic Aids like the Taylor Frame (Arithmetic
and Algebra Types) Cubarythm Speaking or Braille Calculators,
Geometrical Aids like Combined Graph and Mathematical Demonstration
Board, Braille, Protectors, Scales, Compasses and Spar Wheels.
Electronic measuring equipment, such as Calipers, Micrometers,
Comparators, Guages, Block Levels, Rules, Rulers and Yard sticks,
Drafting Drawing Aids, Tactile Displays, Specially Adapted Clocks
and Watches are also exempted from customs duty.
The government has
also exempted Braille paper from excise duty provided such paper
is supplied direct to a school or to a braille press against an
indent placed by the National Institute for the Visually Handicapped,
In order to integrate
the handicapped children with the normal school system, the scheme
of Integrated Education for Disabled children is in operation
since 1974. Under it the Centre provides cent percent assistance
to the States/ UTs for educating mildly – handicapped students
in common schools with the help of aids/ appliances and specially
trained teachers. The handicapped children are also provided under
the scheme Rs. 450 as books, stationery and uniform allowance
per annum. They also get Rs. 50/- each as transport and reader
allowance per month. They are also given a maximum of Rs. 2,000/-
per student as actual cost of equipment for a period of five years.
Blind literature
can be sent by post free of cost both within the country and abroad
by surface mail. Persons with visual impairment are provided concessional
telephone connections on priority. Such connections carry a rental
rebate of 50 percent and similar rebate is applicable on bimonthly
and annual advance rentals.
Visually handicapped
persons also get Travel concessions by rail and air. The Railway
Ministry accords 75% concession in first, second and sleeper class
to the visually impaired persons travelling alone or with an escort.
The Indian Airlines also provides 50% concessional fare to visually
and handicapped persons on single journey or single fare for round
trip journey on all domestic flights.