5th June, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  



Continuing its efforts to attract investments for exploration of oil and gas in India, Government of India launched an effective promotional campaign in London on June 5, 2003 showcasing 24 blocks on offer under the fourth round of the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP-IV). The blocks include 12 deepwater blocks, 11 on-land blocks and 1 shallow water block. After the inaugural road show held at New Delhi on May 20, 2003, the London road-show is the first one to be held abroad for NELP-IV.

A high level delegation led by Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, which also included Shri M.S. Srinivasan, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Dr. Avinash Chandra, Director General, Directorate General of Hydrocarbons and Shri J.M. Mauskar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, is currently in London to promote NELP-IV to prospective E&P companies and investors.

Shri Naik highlighted that NELP-IV has been launched in the backdrop of the recent huge deepwater gas discoveries made in the Krishna-Godavari basin on the East Coast of India. In fact some of these have been mentioned as being the largest in the world during the year 2002. So far a total of 9 discoveries with initial in place reserve estimates of over 300 million metric tonnes of oil plus oil equivalent gas, have been made under NELP during the short span of less than three years of exploration. With the implementation of an aggressive exploration programme under NELP, more and more discoveries are expected to be made in the future.

Shri Naik also spoke about cordial Indo-U.K. relationships and increasing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. Many U.K. based E&P companies like BG, Premier Oil, Cairn Energy and Hardy Exploration & Production Company are operating in India.

The roadshow was attended by 83 companies and organisations. Some of the E&P companies, which attended the roadshow were BG Group, BHP, Amerada Hess, BP, ENI, Itochu,Saudi Aramaco, Cairn Energy, Hardy Exploration and Tullow Oil.

Shri Ram Naik emphasised the highly attractive opportunities being offered under NELP-IV and impressed upon companies to participate in the bidding process to enter into a long term beneficial relationship by becoming part of India’s growing and vibrant Petroleum Sector. He mentioned that the promotional road shows for NELP-IV will also be held at Calgary, Canada (9-10 June), Houston, USA (11-12 June) and would conclude at Perth, Australia (26-27 June).

Shri R. Sen, Indian High Commissioner in London, while welcoming the delegates, offered that the High Commission would do its best to facilitate all investors bidding under NELP-IV. Shri J.M. Mauskar made a comprehensive presentation on the policy, fiscal, legal and contractual framework and Dr. Avinash Chandra made detailed presentation on the geology of the offered blocks. Both speakers highlighted the attractiveness of the terms as well as the geological prospects under NELP-IV. They brought out that the investment opportunity offered under NELP-IV was a world class opportunity.

Some of the major stakeholders in India’s upstream petroleum sector namely BG Group, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited and Reliance Industries Limited also made presentations during the NELP-IV roadshow about their experiences, and the plans and vision their companies had regarding India’s petroleum sector, especially the upstream sector. They emphasised the strong fundamentals as well as the attractiveness of the E&P sector in India and concluded that the investment climate in India was indeed positive with very attractive fiscal terms under NELP. At the same time the geology did present a significant hydrocarbon potential.

Mr. Ian Lockhart, Regional Director, Middle East, Africa & South Asia of Department of Trade and Industry, Government of U.K. also spoke at the roadshow. He drew attention to the growing demand supply gap of fuels and investment opportunities available under NELP-IV. He encouraged U.K. based E&P companies and investors to consider the investment opportunity offered by Government of India under NELP-IV. He also pointed out certain areas for possible improvement from investors point of view.

Mr. Philip Jackson, head of Energy and Infrastructure of JP Morgan made a presentation and highlighted the robust macroeconomic fundamental. He brought out that India was one of the best investment destinations with its huge market, political stability and progressive reforms and policies.

Shri Naik announced that in order to facilitate investors data viewing centres have been opened at London, Houston and New Delhi. Interested companies can purchase the data at New Delhi from the office of Directorate General of Hydrocarbons. Key information such as salient technical data on the blocks on offer, the bid documents and highlights of NELP-IV, were available at a special web site at www.indigopool.com. This website can also be accessed from the Ministry’s official website www.petroleum.nic.in as well as www.dghindia.org.

Shri Naik also mentioned that India has launched the second round of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) exploration offering 9 blocks on 23rd May, 2003. The first roadshow was held at Delhi on 27th May, 2003 and the second roadshow will be held at Houston on 12th June. Since U.K. is also exploiting CBM, anyone interested in CBM exploration may get in touch with Director General, Hydrocarbons for details.

Shri Naik informed the companies that the bid closing date for NELP-IV was September 30, 2003 and exhorted them to participate in the bidding process and be a partner in the ever growing Hydrocarbon Sector of India.