16th July, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


The Railways have provided Rs. 2605 crore for track renewal of 3850 kilometres during the current financial year 2003-2004 as compared to Rs. 2602 crores for renewal of 4000 kilometres during the previous year. Of the total target, 3330 kilometres will be primary track renewal and 550 kilometres secondary track renewal.

Repair and maintenance of railway track are carried out regularly depending upon the need. Track is inspected regularly and corrective action taken promptly wherever required to ensure safety of rail traffic.

Speed restrictions are also imposed for ensuring safety, if the situation so warrants. The overaged track by itself is not a cause for derailments but at the same time it leads to more maintenance efforts, cost and affects punctuality of train operations.

Currently, Bhilai Steel Plant of the Steel Authority of India (SAIL) is supplying rails to Indian Railways as per its specifications, which are in line with the World Railway Union standards.