14th July, 2003
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology  


The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for inviting bids towards subsidy disbursement for replacement of MARR VPTs installed before 1.4.2002 has now been put on DoT’s website www.dotindia.com on 14.07.2003. As per this NIT, the sale of Tender Document shall start on 21.07.2003. The draft Contract Agreement document shall be made available alongwith clarification on queries to bidders after pre-bid conference. The date for clarifications to queries and other events shall be in accordance with the schedule of Important Dates as given in the Tender Document.

The Tender Document will be available on website www.dotindia.com with effect from 21st July, 2003 for information of all interested parties. The sale of Tender Document closes on 14.08.2003 and last date for submission of bids is 10.30 hrs on 18.08.2003.

It may be recalled that the Draft Tender Document proposed to be used for inviting bids towards subsidy disbursement for replacement of MARR VPTs installed before 1.4.2002 was put up on DoT’s website www.dotindia.com on 2.6.2003 inviting suggestions/comments from interested parties. The suggestions were to be sent on or before 10th June, 2003 to Deputy Administrator (Tech.), USF, DoT. This date for sending comments/suggestions was subsequently extended to 17th June, 2003 on specific request from some parties. The clarifications on comments/suggestions were also put on DoT’s website on 2.7.2003.