1st July, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


The total capital generated with the help of financial resources provided by Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC) since its inception in 1986 as on March 31, 2002 is Rs. 23,874 crores amounting to gross asset value of rolling stock leased or sub-leased by it (IRFC) to the Ministry of Railways.

Lease charges paid to IRFC in respect of these assts have two components—principal repayment and interest payment. Out of lease rentals paid to IRFC till March 31, 2002, the amount of principal recovery effected is Rs. 8214 crores leaving an outstanding principal liability of Rs. 1566 crores.

The funds raised through IRFC from the capital market are so far confined to financing the acquisition of rolling stock except for a few short term loans to Konkan Railway Corporation and RailTel Corporation of India—the two public sector undertakings of the Ministry of Railways.

The rolling stock assets leased by IRFC form part of the total rolling stock pool of the railways. The wagons and coaches leased by IRFC constitute about 46 per cent of the total wagon and coach holding respectively as on March 31, 2002. The electric and diesel locomotives leased by IRFC constitute about 49 per cent and 28 per cent of Indian Railways diesel and electric loco fleet respectively. Based on the ratio of IRFC leased wagon and coach assets to the total wagon and coach holding on the system as on March 31, 2002, the revenue generated by IRFC financed assets is estimated at Rs. 17,405 crores.

During the year 2001-2002, an amount of Rs. 2942 crores was paid by the Ministry of Railways to IRFC as lease charges. This works out to about 17 per cent of the proportionate earnings of Indian Railways from IRFC leased wagons and coaches in that year.

The advantages that the IRFC has by its own efficiency and the fall of interest rates are passed on to the railways fully or partially. The Railways received Rs. 70 crores on account of reduction in lease charges. Besides, advance dividend for the current financial year 2003-2004 amounting to Rs. 58 crores has been given to the Ministry of Railways.

Constituted in 1986, IFC mobilises funds from capital market and out of its buys rolling stock and lease them to Indian Railways.

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