23rd January, 2003
Ministry of Human Resource Development  



State funding of education sector, despite best efforts, has been inadequate and it has not so far been possible to set apart 6% of the GDP   for education.  State funding alone may not, therefore, be sufficient to meet the challenge ahead.  A whole-hearted national effort both in the public and private sectors would be necessary for the country to emerge as a fully literate and economically vibrant nation in the new country.

The Government has decided to enlist the support of all concerned and mobilise extra budgetary resources to fill in the gap between actual requirements and the available budgetary support.  It has, therefore, been decided to constitute a ‘Bharat Shiksha Kosh’ to receive donations/contributions/endowments from individuals and corporates, Central and State Governments, NRIs and PIOs for various educational purposes.  Contributions to the Kosh can be both in cash and kind.  It would also permit sponsorship under which any organisation  or individual can become sponsors of the educational activities in a particular village, town, city, school, college or even a child through the payment of a specified amount.  A school or college or a building/block may be named after the sponsor on payment of a prescribed amount.  Similarly, prizes, scholarships and chairs in educational institutions could also be instituted in the name of the sponsors.

Contributions, donations etc. to the Kosh would qualify for hundred per cent deduction under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and also exempted from the provisions of FCRA.

The Government has made an initial contribution of Rs.1 crore to the Kosh. Government expects individuals and corporates to generously contribute to the educational development of the country.