1. After discussion on various
issues regarding mine closure, it has been decided that MCR,
1960 and MCDR,1988 would be amended to make appropriate provisions
for mine closure. These provisions shall specify the duties
and responsibilities of the mining lease holder and provide
for financial assurance for fulfilling the same. The mine closure
plan has to be submitted at the time of filing applications
for mining lease.
2. For empowering the Gram Sabhas/Gram
Panchayats in matters of mineral concessions. It was decided
that a sub Committee consisting of State Ministers/officials
and experts would be constituted to further consider various
proposals and guidelines within a month.
3. Monitoring Committees shall
be constituted to monitor environment and community development
work at district and State levels. These Committees will also
monitor the serious issue of illegal mining. Indian Bureau
of Mines( a subordinate office under the Department of Mines)
an expert body on mining issues will be involved.
4. Henceforth areas will be reserved
for public sector undertakings only for a definite period.
For areas which are already reserved, amending notifications
shall be issued indicating the dates till which such reservation
shall be applicable.
5. It is very important for scientific
mining that the minimum size of mining leases are prescribed.
It has been decided that for small deposits, the minimum prescribed
size should be 1 hectare, for beach sands/placers 2 hectares,
and in all other cases, 4 hectares would be the minimum size
for grant of a mining lease.
6. There was a general consensus
regarding adoption of mineral classification as per UNFC pattern.
The State Governments, Indian Bureau of Mines and the Geological
survey of India are prepared to take it up immediately. It
has been decided that the prescribed forms in MCDR, 1988 would
be revised as per UNFC pattern , and would be adopted at an
early date.
7. In order to allow traditional
mining of placer diamonds to continue, it has been decided
in the Conference that the section 8 of the MMDR Act, 1957
shall be amended. It may be recalled that in the last meeting
of the Mineral Advisory Council, the State Government of Madhya
Pradesh had informed about granting of permits for one year
for traditional mining of placer diamonds. It is well known
however that the minimum period for grant of a mining lease
is 20 years.
8. The Conference noted although
time frames had been prescribed for disposal of the same in
January 2001, instances have come to notice that these time
limits are not being followed in all cases. The Conference
resolved that the State Governments will take steps to ensure
that the prescribed time limits are strictly adhered to .
9. The Conference agreed unanimously
that the community development must be taken in the areas
where mining activities take place. It asked the mining industry
to ensure education, healthcare and employment generation
for the people.