16th January, 2003
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  


Prof. Prem Narain has been selected for the second National Award in Statistics for the year 2001-2002 for his outstanding contribution in the field of statistics. Instituted by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation in memory of Prof. P.V. Sukhatme, the award is given to senior statisticians in alternate years.

Former Director of Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Prof. Narain’s original research in statistical genetics and application of statistics in crop and animal sciences was highly praised by the scientific community. He developed a new concept of average time taken for the fixation of a gene in finite populations, which found useful application in animal breeding and evolution. He also introduced the method of conditioned diffusion equations, parallel to famous Fokker-Planck equations used in physics, in relation to population genetic problems.

The book written by Prof. Narain on Statistical Genetics is one of its kinds and is used as a text-book as well as extensively referred to by advanced research workers in both Indian as well as foreign universities. It explains the principles of population and quantitative genetics He has made significant contribution in mathematics of genetic diversity and statistical genomics also.

Prof. Narain made efforts to find application of computers in the field of agriculture. He was the first to develop a blueprint of KRISHINET – a nation-wide agricultural research and education information system, which found a place in Limca Book Of Records. He was also instrumental in developing efficient statistical techniques for the analysis of sample survey data and early warning system based on crop forecasting and remote sensing technology. He developed a manual on ‘Training Programs in Food and Agricultural Statistics’ and reviewed the program on the ‘Organisation of Agricultural Pilot Census in China’.

He was a member of the National Statistical Commission, an apex body constituted in January 2000 to revamp the Indian Statistical System. He has over 250 research papers/reports - some of them being repeatedly referred to in journals and text books, seven books, and ten book chapters to his credit and received several awards, prizes and medals including Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prize in 1977 by the India Council of Agricultural Research.