1st January, 2003
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare  


There were reports in a section of press describing occurrence of an unknown disease in human beings and goats of Gumbli village, Thiruvellur district of Tamil Nadu. The news report has two components namely disease in human beings and disease in goats. The factual position on both the components is as follows:

Disease in human beings - A total of 8 human cases with three deaths were reported during a period of six weeks from 1st February to 14th March, 2002. The clinical presentation in majority of the cases were tingling and numbness in limbs. Two cases had ascending progressive, flaccid paralysis with sensory disturbance and bladder and bowel dysfunction with normal peripheral nerve conduction studies which does not match with the clinical profile of poliomyelitis. National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) analysed four stool samples and six serum samples from the cases and isolated Poliovirus type III (Vaccine strain) from two of the cases. The isolates were sent to Entro-Virus Research Centre (ICMR institute), Mumbai for genomic analysis and result confirmed that this is a vaccine strain of Poliovirus and not a wild virus. Hence, the available clinical, epidemiological and laboratory evidence indicate that this episode could not be related to poliomyelitis.

Disease in Goats - Earlier, from 3rd January to 14th March, 2002, an outbreak of unknown disease was reported in the same village in goats where about 200 goats had died. A total of nine serum samples, one from ailing goat and eight from grazing goats along with one brain specimen were analysed. The results indicated absence of antibodies against Poliovirus in ailing goat and no virus could be isolated from the brain tissue indicating that Poliovirus is not associated with this illness. The Polio like antibodies were detected in four out of the eight healthy goat serum samples. Since there is no known occurrence of Polio antibodies among goats as per the available literature, the presence of Polio like antibodies could be due to cross reaction with some other viruses. NICD has not yet finalised its report and further investigation is still in progress on the cause of death of the goats.