26th February, 2003
Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources  



The Government is implementing a programme for the electrification of villages in the remote and difficult areas of the country. Under this programme, renewable energy systems like solar photovoltaic systems, small hydro units and biomass gasifiers are installed in unelectrified villages to provide lighting and other services. Almost all census villages in the state of Himachal Pradesh are already electrified by conventional means. No village in Himachal Pradesh has been electrified through solar energy during the last three years and hence, no fund was released during last three years for this purpose.

A potential of 150 KV has been estimated by HIMURJA for installation of decentralised SPV systems in the remote areas of Himachal Pradesh during next three years. The Government is also implementing a solar photovoltaic programme, under which installation of solar lighting systems like solar home systems, street lighting systems & power plants is being supported. The SPV Programme is being implemented in Himachal Pradesh through the state renewable energy development agency HIMURJA. During the last three years, 5,000 solar home lighting systems, 650 street lighting systems and 5,000 solar lanterns, aggregating to 283 kWp SPV capacity, were installed under this programme in the State. These systems were installed mostly in remote and unelectrified households/hamlets.

During the current year, the Government has allocated 3,000 solar home systems and 200 solar street lighting systems to HIMURJA for installation in the state under the solar photovoltaic programme. Financial assistance of Rs.99.50 lakh has also been released in advance towards these targets.

This information was given by Shri M. Kannappan, Minister of State for Non-conventional Energy Sources, in a written reply to a question by Shri Anil Sharma in the Rajya Sabha today.