26th February, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  



The strategy adopted for dealing with national calamities envisages building up of capabilities at National, State, District, Block and Village levels for mitigation and preparedness for natural and manmade disasters as well as for rapid intervention in the event of such disasters. This, inter-alia, involves strengthening of search and rescue capabilities by training and equipping specialized teams. The Minister of State for Home Shri I.D. Swami told the Rajya Sabha in a written reply today that the Government has initiated to train such teams at the national level.

In December, 2002, the Ministry of Home Affairs inter-alia advised the State Governments to consider setting up specialized composite search and rescue teams comprising one company of the State Armed Police trained and equipped to carry out specialized search and rescue, one mobile engineering unit with necessary equipments and one medical assistance team. The steps taken by the State Governments will be reviewed in the Conference of State Relief Commissioners in March 2003.

The Minister said that a National Committee on Disaster Management had been set up to deliberate on the necessary institutional and legislative measures needed for an effective and long-term strategy to deal with national calamities. In the first meeting of the National Committee held on 18th February, 2001, it was decided that in so far as the long-term strategy for dealing with major calamities in future is concerned, a Working Group would go into these issues.