18th February, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice, has emphasised the need for boosting of trade and investment between India and Australia from the current level. In his opening statement at the 8th India-Australia Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC), here today, Shri Jaitley said that there was need to diversify the basket of export items and increase investment in important sectors like information technology, bio-technology, energy and minerals. He also emphasised that economic liberalisation process in the country would continue to offer good prospects for increasing bilateral trade as well as Australian investment in India. He also pointed to the immense investment potential in India in the sectors of telecom, road & highways, ports, airports, tourism and manufacturing. Mr. Mark Vaile, Australian Minister for Trade and Co-Chairman of the India-Australia JMC, in his opening remarks, underlined the importance and vast scope of fostering closer economic and commercial ties between India and Australia in both existing and new areas. Shri Dipak Chatterjee, Commerce Secretary; Shri Vinay Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry; Ms. Penny Wensley, Australian High Commissioner to India and senior officials of both the countries were present at the meeting.

Shri Jaitley said that information technology had provided a good platform to bilateral trade and IT-enabled services could provide for far greater collaboration between the two countries. He raised issues relating to quarantine and inspection of agricultural and marine products to Australia. The Australian Minister agreed to resolve this issue to remove the constraints owing to the Australian Quarantine Regulations. Mr. Vaile apprised the Indian side of the opportunities of investment available in Australia and urged them to take advantage of it.

Indo-Australian trade during April-October 2002-03 has increased by 4.24% at US $ 1003.96 million. India’s exports to Australia during the same period grew by 19.37%. The cumulative investment from Australia to India has reached US $ 1.87 billion till October 2002. Both the Ministers stressed the need to explore possibilities to further enhance the trade and investment between two countries.

Referring the informal meeting of the WTO Ministers in Tokyo last week and the road to Cancun, Shri Jaitley said that India would continue to engage with its concerns on issues such as market access and & agriculture and non-agricultural (industrial) goods & services and the Doha development issues including implementation and special & differential issues and TRIPs.

The 3-day (February 17-19) India-Australia Joint Ministerial Commission meeting will conclude tomorrow with the signing of the Agreed Minutes by both the Ministers.