13th February, 2003
Ministry of Law & Justice  


In a major academic accomplishment in the field of law aimed at using India’s great ancient knowledge and wisdom for modern judicial work, a unique Law book has been brought out which uses ancient ‘Mimansa’ system for the interpretation of statutes . The book titled ‘MIMANSA RULES OF INTERPRETATION’ was released here yesterday by Union Minister for Law & Justice and Commerce & Industry, Shri Arun Jaitley. The only book of its kind in English in the country has been edited by a noted legal luminary Justice Markandey Katju, Judge, High Court Allahabad.. The original text on Mimansa are all in Sanskrit and the present book in English will cater to the needs of both national and international legal fraternity .

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Arun Jaitley said that notion of justice had always formed an important ingredient of our ethos . He said that India can take pride in its rich treasure of ancient knowledge substantial part of which is still lying unearthed in our ancient texts . Shri Jaitley emphasized the need to bring this knowledge to light for the benefit of mankind. He applauded the efforts of the country’s great scholars and academicians for undertaking this noble job painstakingly for the benefit of posterity. Underscoring the significance of correct and objective interpretation of the statutes , the Minister said that the tools and principles enunciated by systems like ‘Mimansa’ can really facilitate the judicial work in a big way. Justice Markandey Katju, in his remarks pointed out that mostly Maxwell’s book on "Interpretation on Statutes" has been presently the basis of interpretation work in the judiciary and the due attention has not been paid so far to the ‘Mimansa’ system of interpretation which too could be of great help . Justice Katju said that he has been using Mimansa principles in several of his judgments, some of which also form part of this book. Shri.

The present book edited by Justice Katju is in fact the revival of a century-old book by Shri K.L.Sarkar . The present version has been fully updated, edited and greatly expanded to present this novel concept in more modern, comprehensive and practical way. Arjun Lal Dawra of Modern Law Publications , Allahabad, the Publisher of the Book were among those present on the occasion