13th February, 2003
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers  



The new pricing policy for urea – manufacturing units will come into effect from April 1st , 2003. The main objective of the new policy is to bring in greater transparency, uniformity and efficiency in subsidy payments to urea companies and to encourage them to take measures on their own to promote efficiency and bring down the cost of production. The new policy is likely to result not only in savings in the subsidy expenditure but would also promote the efficient use of scarce energy resources. This was stated by the Minister of Statae for Chemicals and Fertilizers Dr. Chhattrapal Singh while addressing the meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee here today.

Dr. Singh informed the members that the new scheme will be implemented in stages. Stage – I would be of one year duration, from April 1st , 2003 to March 31st 2004. Stage – II would be of two years duration, from April 1st , 2004 to March 31st , 2006. The modalities of Stage – III would be decided after review of the implementation of the two earlier stages.

Elaborating on the salient features of the new pricing policy Dr. Singh said there will be six groups based on vintage and feedstock for determining the group based concession under the new scheme, namely, pre – 1992 gas based units, post – 1992 gas based units, pre – 1992 naphtha based units, post- 1992 naphtha based units, fuel oil/ low sulphur heavy stock (FO/LSHS) based units and mixed energy based units. The mixed energy based group shall include such gas-based units that use alternative feedstock/fuel to the extent of more than 25 per cent as admissible on April 1st , 2002. Classification of units among different group so determined shall not be changed during stages - I and II.

The Minister said that rates of concession for the units in each group will be determined in two steps. In Step-I, the weighted average retention price and dealer’s margin of the units in the respective group as applicable on 1.4.2002 would be computed. Units having exceptionally high or low retention price, i.e. deviation of 20 per cent and above with reference to group average computed in Step-1 are to be treated as outliers in their respective groups. In Step-2, the final weighted average group retention price after excluding the outliers will be computed.

The members were informed that under the new policy the units in each group would receive the concession after adjustment on account of escalation/de-escalation in the variable cost related to changes in the price of feedstock, fuel, purchased power and water. The modalities for this purpose will be worked out by the Department for Stage-I and Stage-II on the basis of group energy data and efficient consumption patterns of the units keeping in view the data of 8th pricing period. Those units which have lower retention price than the weighted group average (estimated after excluding the outliers as final group retention price) are to get the concession as per their individual retention price. The remaining units (excluding outliers) are to get the concession based upon the weighted group average retention price computed after excluding the outliers. This basis would be valid for State-II also.

Shri Dhindsa said that after commencement of Stage-I and also beyond Stage-II there shall neither be any reimbursement of the investment made by a unit for improvement in operations nor any mopping up of gains of the units as a result of operational efficiency. The parameters outlined in the new scheme shall be the inputs for computation of concession. The outliers having a retention price higher that 20 per cent or more from the group average in their respective group would be granted an adjustment phase of one year, i.e. Stage-I. During State-I, such outliers will get a rate of concession based upon the group weighted average (after excluding outliers) and a structural adjustment which will be 50 per cent of the difference between their respective retention price and the group average.

The Committee Members were informed that during Stage-II there will be no special treatment for the outliers and all the units will get the group rate of concession as outlined earlier for Stage-I. The units having lower retention price than the group average shall continue to get the retention price as per their individual retention price. The six groups would remain as in Stage-I. The concession rates shall be adjusted for reduction in capital related charges. Further, the group energy norms would be enforced on efficiency considerations. The Department of Fertilizers would take into consideration the recommendations of the Gokak Committee in determining the group energy norms. The scale of reduction on account of capital related charges (CRC) would also be finalized by the Department of Fertilizers. Thus, the adjustments on account of CRC and group energy norms effective in Stage-II would be made known to the units so that they have reasonable time for making necessary technological and other structural adjustments.

The Minister said that under the new Scheme, there will be no capping on production of urea. The use or sale of by-products such as ammonia, CO2 etc. will be permitted in case considered surplus beyond the reassessed capacity for urea production. The final concession would be determined and disbursed only on the reassessed installed capacity unless additional production is mopped up under the ECA allocation. The feedstock/fuel ratio for the entire production would be taken into consideration for assessing the concession up to installed reassessed capacity.

The following members attended the meeting: Shri Baju Ban Riyan (Lok Sabha), Shri Manoj Bhattacharya and Prof. Alka Balram Kshatriya (Rajya Sabha).