13th February, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Task Force on Drought headed by the Deputy Prime Minister Shri L.K. Advani at a meeting here today, approved a special package of drought relief assistance for Rajasthan keeping in view the severity of the situation in the state. Under the package, people in the 74 worst affected blocks in the state will be provided relief employment for 10 days every month and will receive 8 kg. of food grains per day, while the people of the other blocks will receive 6 kg. of food grains per day. The difference between the value of food grains and the minimum wage will be paid in cash. The food grain component of wage employment in other states is 5 kg. per day. Under this special package, Rajasthan will be allocated 21 lakh tonnes of Wheat free of cost from February to July this year for the purpose of providing employment for 66 lakh persons during the peak drought months.

The Task Force also approved allocation of 1.15 lakh tonnes of food grains to Maharashtra for three months from February. Himachal Pradesh will be provided with 75, 000 tonnes of Rice for the Public Distribution System at BPL (below proverty line) rates.

Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Shri K.C. Pant, Finance Minister Shri Jaswanth Singh, Agriculture Minister Shri Ajit Singh, Consumers Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister Shri Sharad Yadav, Cabinet Secretary, Finance, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Rural Development and Drinking Water Supply secretaries attended the task force meeting.