13th February, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  


An International Seminar on Global Terrorism and Ways and Means to counter the threat has opened at the National Security Guards Centre, Maneswar near Gurgaon. The two-day Seminar will exclusively discuss the terrorist menace and their modus-operandi.

Terrorists today, the World over, have shifted their focus from use of guns to Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The material and technology for their fabrication is readily available off the shelf. It is convenient for them to choose their target, cause extensive damage and destruction of life and property and getaway easily. The threat is even more pronounced in our context of sponsored terrorism where training, material and incentives are being made available to the terrorist outfits from across the border. There is even a nexus existing between the various terrorist outfits within the country and even globally for exchange of information and intelligence on the fabrication of IEDS. In contrast, there is limited interaction amongst the various security agencies operating within the country on this aspect, leading to loss of innocent live and property, in the absence of a unified preventive strategy.

It is with this backdrop that it was decided to set up a nodel agency in the form of National Bomb Data Centre with National Security Guards in march 2000. NSG was chosen as the central agency. The NSG interacts and trains all security and intelligence agencies viz. State Police, Defence forces, CPOs and the forensic science centers. There are five countries which have credible Bomb Data Centres, some even more than 30 years old. India became the sixth nation to set up a full fledged and functional Bomb Data Centre. There are 79 more countries around the world who are in the process of setting up their Bomb Data Centres.

The task of a Bomb Data Centre is to collect, collate, analyse and evaluate all bombing incidents reported in the country. On the basis of this, it carries out an assessment of the bombing trend area wise to understand the bigger picture. It disseminates the relevant information to concerned law enforcement agency to develop suitable preventive measures. It identifies the explosive used and tries to track its source and route of supply. It also carries out the finger printing of terrorist groups involved. The database is computerized for easy access and a web site has also been created.

This is the third seminar of NBDC but first with foreign participants. A large number of IED and explosive related presentations are scheduled by experts in the field of Bomb Disposal, forensic science and dog units from India and abroad.