11th February, 2003
Ministry of Tourism & Culture  


The Government is working on an action plan to give boost library movement in the country. More funds are being allocated to the important libraries. Building of Asiatic Society Library and others are being renovated, project on digital libraries for far flung and rural areas is being prepared, this was enclosed by the Minister for Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan inaugurating the National Seminar ‘The Role of Public Libraries in addressing New Challenges Confronting the changing pattern of the Society’, here today. The seminar was organised by Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation.

The Minister said that libraries could play a very important role to make aware society of high moral values and other issues related with the development. These are the storehouse of our cultural heritage. He said Centre would provide matching grants if States come forward to set up libraries in Talukas, Tehsils and villages. Members of Parliament can also play a significant role in the library movement by releasing money from their constituency fund. On the part of Government, allocations from 9th Plan (Rs. 67 crore) to 10th Plan ( Rs.163 crore) has been significantly increased and in coming project also it is expected to get major hike, he added.