8th February, 2003
Ministry of Power  



The Power Minister, Shri Anant G. Geete has said that incentives in the form of awards and prizes would be given to outstanding achievers in the field of Research and Development in the power sector. Shri Geete was addressing the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here last evening. Power sector is highly capital intensive with long gestational periods. Therefore, the need for R&D becomes more important. Even the quantifiable tangible benefits are enormous in comparison to the cost of R&D. The Minister added that the cost of not taking up R&D could cost the nation Rs.5050 crore per annum.The Minister said that utilities and other organisations involved in R&D would be persuaded to spend increased amounts for rese The Committee was informed that a one per cent improvement in performance by hydro power stations would lead to an additional generation of about 800 MUs and a savings of Rs.200 crore per annum @ Rs 2.50 per unit. An expenditure of Rs.1.5 crore per MW in a Thermal Power Station would lead to a saving of Rs.280 crore per 10,000 MW/year besides reduction in pollutants. A one per cent reduction in T&D losses would save Rs.1,250 crore per year.

The Minister said that CEA, a statutory body created under the Indian Electricity Act, has been entrusted with the responsibility to promote research in matters affecting generation, transmission and supply of electricity; advise the central government on any matter on which advise is sought or make recommendation to the government on any matter that would help in improving generation, distribution and utilisation of electricity. A Chair at IIT, Delhi has been created for officers of Ministry of Power and CEA. For applied research specific to power sector the Central Power Research Institute has been created and funds are provided by the Ministry to carry out essential research schemes. The organisations serve as a nodal centre for applied research in electric power engineering including product development for industry; function as an independent authority for testing and certification of power equipment and assist utilities in finding solutions to their problems. The organisation has seven units in various parts of the country. The institute has facilities for R&D in areas of high voltage, insulation, short circuit, transmission, instrumentation, domestic appliances, materials, power system-EHV, HVDC and AC studies. The Minister said that the institute also offers expert

consultancy services in the areas of Remaining Life Assessment and life extension studies of Thermal power plants, T&D System, Power Quality, Energy Auditing etc.

To prepare a perspective R&D plan for the next 15 years a Standing Committee has been constituted under Chairman, CEA. The Standing Committee while drawing up a R&D Road Map has dovetailed it with the pathway of power sector development with the following milestones : strengthen power delivery infrastructure through programmes like APDRP etc by the year 2005; optimum resource mix for grid and economy by 2010; addition of one lakh MW capacity by 2012, and Quality Power to all at affordable cost by 2015 . The perspective plan has identified 39 broad areas in R&D on 29 themes to be taken up under a short term programme ranging from two to five years, the Committee was informed.

Smt. Jayawanti Mehta, Minister of State for Power was also present at the meeting.tResponding to questions by Members Smt. Mehta said that Government was giving increased attention to electrifying rural areas.The following Members attended the meeting : S/Shri Suresh Chandel, Subodh Ray, Sis Ram Ola, N.K.Premchandran, Bashishtha Narain Singh, Harish Chandra Singh, Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, Prof, Ram Deo Bhandary and Smt. Jamana Devi Barupal.