15th December, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


Members of the Task Force on Micro-irrigation led by its Chairman and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Shri M.Chandrababu Naidu met the Agriculture Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh here today and discussed with him the ways to increase micro-irrigation in the country. The setting up of the Task Force was announced during the presentation of the Budget for 2003-04 to recommend the strategies for increasing the coverage of area under micro-irrigation in the country. The Task Force held nation-wide consultations and obtained suggestions from experts, State Governments and members of the public.

The Task Force informed the Agriculture Minister that efficient use of water would be possible by adopting micro-irrigation which includes drip and sprinkler irrigation. It pointed out that micro-irrigation technology not only saves water, but improves the quality of produce, boosting its marketability. As per the estimates made by the Task Force, an area of 69 million hectares will have to be covered under micro-irrigation in a phased manner by 2030. This will include 27 million hectares under drip irrigation and 42 million hectares under sprinkler irrigation. An area of 3 million hectares will have to be covered during the 10th Plan and another 14 million hectares during the 11th Plan. To achieve a coverage of 3 million hectares, an investment of Rs10,500 crore will be required during the 10th Plan.

Shri Rajnath Singh said that efficient utilization of water is essential to improve productivity of land and income of farmers. He said that the Government would examine the recommendations of the Task Force and take necessary action urgently.