15th December, 2003
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


The Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Shri Sharad Yadav today exhorted the countries of Asia and the Pacific Region to study India’s food management which is a success story. Opening a five-day seminar of the Association of Food and Agricultural Marketing Agencies(AFMA) in Asia and the Pacific Region, he asked the Indian delegates to share information with the participants on India’s experience in food procurement, movement, storage and quality control.

Shri Yadav recalled how India managed one of its worst droughts in recent memory which ravaged 17 States only because of its food management expertise. The food security system was put to use for making available foodgrains to the people as also for creating sustainable assets. The Minister called upon the delegates to share information on how they handle the food security system for the benefit of their people. Shri Yadav said India has evolved its food management system which is second only perhaps to China. He told the audience that the public distribution system(PDS) in India caters to over to 6 lakh fair price shops. The system makes foodgrains affordable to all, especially the daily wage earners and the other vulnerable sections of the society.

Earlier in his welcome address. the Chairman, Food Corporation of India (FCI), Shri R.M. Premkumar, emphasized the role of various food handling agencies in the country to strengthen the national economy.

Delegates from several Asian and the Pacific region countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and China are attending the seminar.