12th December, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



Government is concerned about contamination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables. The following steps have been taken to reduce pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables.

    1. Replacement of old pesticides which are required to be used in high dosages and which persist for a longer period in the environment with newer pesticide molecules which are used in low volume and are less persistent in the environment;
    2. Promotion of judicious use of pesticides through the practice of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which emphasizes reduced pesticide application;
    3. Promotion of organic farming;
    4. Increased use of bio-control agents and bio-pesticides in agriculture as a replacement of chemical pesticides;
    5. Awareness campaign through Farmers Field Schools to educate farmers about ill effects of pesticides.

According to the monitoring study of farm-gate and market samples of fruits and vegetables conducted by the All India Coordinated Research Project on Pesticide Residues, out of 359 samples of different fruits analysed, 46% samples were found to contain residues of locally applied pesticides such as endosulfan, cholorpyriphos, malathion, cypermethrin, carbendazim, mancozeb, etc. However, in all these fruits samples, the residues were found to be below the prescribed MRL values.

Further, out of a total of 592 samples of different vegetables analyzed, about 64% were found contaminated with residues of different pesticides. 9% of the samples contained residues above their respective MRL values. Pesticide residues in vegetables can be decontaminated to 80 to 100% by washing and cooking.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Agriculture, Shri Hukumdeo Narayan Yaday in reply a question by Shri Ekanath K.Thakur in the Rajya Sabha today.

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