11th December, 2003
Ministry of External Affairs  



The Government is concerned about ISI misusing the Nepalese territory and the open India-Nepal border for activities inimical to India’s interest and is seized of the matter. The Government has noted the several instances of arrest of staffers of Pakistani Embassy in Kathmandu for being in possession of RDX and/or fake Indian currencies. Such officials have subsequently been asked to leave the country by Government of Nepal.

There is close cooperation between Nepal and India with regard to combating crime and terrorism. Both countries have stated that they would not allow their territory to be used for activities inimical to the interest of either country. Measures have been taken to enhance co-operation with Nepal, including in the field of intelligence and effective border management. A bilateral institutional mechanism have been evolved which includes a Joint Working Group on Border Management, Home Secretary Level Talks and Bilateral Consultative Group on Security Issues to jointly address issues relating to maintenance of peace and security and prevention of criminal activities in the India-Nepal border areas. The two governments are in the process of finalizing an Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and an updated Extradition Treaty. Regular dialogue of Customs officials also takes place under the Agreement for Cooperation to control Unauthorised Trade. The Special Service Bureau has been deployed at all sensitive places along the border with Nepal to strengthen security in the border areas.

This information was give by the Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Shri Digvijay Singh in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.