11th December, 2003
Ministry of Power  



During the year 2000, work in respect of 7 projects commenced, out of which 5 have already been completed. Normal gestation period for completion of power projects ranges between three to seven years depending upon whether it is a gas based combined cycle project, coal based thermal project or hydro project.

The 2 projects, which are still in the implementation process, are at different stages of execution. With the close morning system and with a nodal officer designated in the Central Electricity Authority for each of the projects for facilitating resolution of bottlenecks, these are expected to be completed as per schedule.

During the period 2003-04 so far, sites for 62 hydro electricity schemes totaling 50,000 MW and 106 thermal schemes totaling 1,04,000 MW have been identified. Depending on techno-economic feasibility and subject to commercial viability, these will be taken up for development.

Central Electricity Authority has been asked to identify suitable sites for development of gas based projects keeping in view the availability of gas and economics of power generation.

The Minister of Power Shri Anant Gangaram Geete gave this information in the Lok Sabha today in a written reply.