11th December, 2003
Ministry of Power  



State Electricity Boards (SEBs)/Power Utilities, have been suffering from serious problems due to loss incurred in their operation because of gap in cost of supply and revenue collection. The major factors responsible for such losses inter alia include theft of power, high technical losses, over staffing in utilities, poor metering, billing and collection, irrational tariff and non-payment of subsidies by the Government.

This information was given in the Lok Sabha today in a written reply by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Power Shrimati Jayawanti Mehta.

She told the House that the government has initiated various steps to revive the poor financial health of SEBs/Power Utilities. The Ministry of Power has signed Memorandum of Understanding/Memorandum of agreement with States on power sector reforms envisaging support of Central Government subject to States’ progressing satisfactorily on agreed reform agenda. Under the Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP), Government is providing financial assistance for specific projects aimed at reducing Aggregate Transmission and Commercial Losses. This has been combined with a provision of a grant to the States linked to the actual reduction in losses. Past dues of SEBs due to Central Public Sector Undertakings have been securitized under tripartite agreements.

Earlier some States had enacted their Electricity Reforms Acts. To provide a national level legal framework for liberalization and reform of electricity industry, the Electricity Act, 2003 has been enacted. Under the Electricity Act, 2003, retail tariff is to be determined by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions.

These steps have started showing definite signs of improvement in the functioning of SEBs/power utilities. In 2001-02 four States - Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana and Rajasthan have shown aggrregate cash loss reduction. In addition, 10 States - Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and West Bengal have reported deduction in overall losses during 2002-03.