10th December, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


Indian Railways are conducting surprise checks to ensure that the quality of eatables and beverages is maintained as per the prescribed standards. Such checks are conducted by commercial and health officials. Besides, samples of food and beverages are checked regularly to ensure quality under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.

In addition, regular inspections and surprise checks of catering units are conducted by senior officials and supervisory staff to ensure that overcharging or less quantity of food is not served to the passengers. Deterrent action is taken against the defaulters.

The Railways have laid down certain mandatory provisions for vendors like the tariffs and weight for each item sold by them. It has also taken several measures to ensure supply of quality raw material from approved sources like ISI and FPO certified products, introduction of three piece casseroles packed meals in place of open thalis in mail and express trains, use of eco-friendly packaging materials and supply of safe drinking water along with meals.