8th December, 2003
Ministry of Water Resources  



The information received from State Revenue Authorities on the damage caused due to floods during the current year in var\ious States where an area of 35.874 lakh ha. and a population of 306.36 lakhs were affected due to floods in 2003. 1334 human lives and 8671 cattles were lost. Damage to crops, house and public utilities amounted to Rs. 972.919 crore.

Ganga and Brahmaputra basins are the severely flood affected regions in the country. The Ganga Flood Control Commission constituted by the Central Government in 1972 has prepared comprehensive plans for flood management for all the 23 river systems of Ganga basin. Similarly, the Brahmaputra Board constituted in 1982 under an act of Parliament has also prepared master Plans for the Brahmaputra and Barak Basins. These reports/Master Plans were forwarded to the concerned States for formulating schemes for implementation after detailed investigations.

Further, the Government of India constituted a number of Committees/Task Force/Expert Groups including setting up of Rashtriya Barh Ayog in 1976 to study the various issues relating to Flood Management, the recommendations of which have been sent to the State Governments for taking follow up action.

Flood Management being a State subject, the schemes for flood control are planned, funded and executed by the State Governments, themselves as per own priorities. The assistance rendered by Central Government is technical, catalytical and promotional in nature.

The Central Water Commission under the Ministry of Water Resources has established a network of 166 flood forecasting stations on major inter-state rivers which are providing timely flood forecasting services enabling the local administration in arranging rescue and relief operations.

The Central Government is also providing financial assistance to vacrious States for carrying out critical flood management works.

This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Water Resources, Smt. Bijoya Chakravarty in written reply to a question from Shri Kamal Nath in the Lok Sabha today.