29th August, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


Indian Railways is in the process of adopting multi-pronged strategies to further enhance the quality of its human resource especially those engaged in production and maintenance activities in order to ensure maximum safety in train operations. For this, the present recruitment and training system is being reviewed thoroughly.

Apart from raising the job eligibility standards for general and reserved category candidates a review of recruitment rules is underway for induction of officers and staff for multi-skilled jobs. The recent initiatives to reorganize the Railway Recruitment Board(RRBs) aimed at improving the quality of recruitment would be sustained. Gangmen and drivers above the age of 50 and upto 57 years would be given option to seek voluntary retirement and one of their wards given appointment, if eligible. A suitable computerized test programme for determining alertness, reaction time, stamina and ability to withstand frequent changes would be developed and standardized.

Training centres of all the Zonal Railways would be modernized spending an amount of Rs.220 crores. A central training cell composed of multi-disciplinary team would be created. Special emphasis would be laid on training of bridge engineers and supervisors on regular and continuous basis.