Renovation and Modernisation/Life
Extension of the existing power stations has been recognised as
one of the most cost effective options to achieve additional generation
because of short gestation period and low cost. Though increase
in capacity due to LE/R&M programme is marginal, the improvement
in generation is considerable due to increase in plant load factor.
Central Electricity
Authority in consultation with power utilities has identified
29 stations covering 92 units in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi,
Maharshtra, West Bengal, Assam Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Bihar for
life extension programme during the Tenth Plan period. Power Finance
Corporation provides loans for renovation and modernisation programmes
and an interest subsidy at three per cent is provided under the
Accelerated Generation and Supply Programme on disbursement of
such loans through Power Finance Corporation in the Tenth Plan.