26th August, 2003
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  


Gujarat and Rajasthan have topped among States by achieving 100% targets of Twenty Point Programme (TPP-86). Both have been ranked first, followed by Himachal Pradesh and Haryana with 91% and 89% achievements respectively. Arunachal Pradesh and Assam have achieved only 27% of their respective targets of 20-Point Programme for the year 2002-03 and have been ranked 29th on the scored board.

During the year 2002-2003 the collective performance of all the States and UTs under nine items of the Programme has been ‘Very Good’ (90% or above the targets). These items are: Tree Plantation on Private Lands, ICDS Blocks Operational (Cumulative), immunization of Children (DPT, Polio and BCG), Pumpsets Energised, ST Families Assisted, Slum Improvement, Bio-Gas Plants, SC Families Assisted and Aanganwadis (Cumulative). The performance has been ‘Good’ (80%-90% of the target) in respect of Indira Awas Yojana with 84% target achievement.

For the remaining eight items, the performance has been ‘Poor’ (below 80% of the targets). These items are: Distribution of Surplus Lands, Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Houses, Area Covered (Under Plantation) Public and Forest Lands, Drinking Water Supply (Villages/Habitations Covered), Villages Electrified, , Low Income Group (LIG) Hoses, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres.

The TPP-86 initiated in 1975 and restructured twice in 1982 and 1986 comprises 119 items, out of which 54 are monitored on the basis of evaluatory criteria and 65 against pre-set physical targets. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation brings out progress reports on the implementation of the Programme periodically.

During the year ending March 2003, 6407 lakh mandays of employment have been generated under Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana, 31,919 acres of surplus land have been distributed to agricultural laborers including those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and 40,588 additional villages/habitations have been provided with the facility of safe drinking water. Under the immunization Programme 323 lakh infants were covered. There are about 6,00,391 functioning anganwadis and 4903 ICDS Blocks in the country for the welfare of women and children.

Under the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes scheme 23.04-lakh Schedule Caste families and 50.64 Scheduled Tribe families have been assisted. In all 11.02 lakh houses were provided under Indira Awaas Yojana and 68.304 lakh for economical weaker sections in the urban areas. 15, 573 LIG houses were constructed and 63.45 lakh people living in slum areas were provided with basic facilities. Under the item Rural Electrification and Energy, 3662 villages have been electrified, 36,514 pump sets energized for irrigation purposes and 114590 Bio-Gas Plant installed for clean and unpolluting energy.


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