26th August, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  


The eighth meeting of the Inter-State Council is being held at Srinagar on August 27-28, 2003. The meeting is being held at the prestigious Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) on the banks of the famous Dal Lake. It is the first time that a meeting of the Inter-State Council is held outside New Delhi since its inception in 1990.

The two-day meeting will be chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and will be attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, Shri L.K. Advani and Union Ministers who are members of the Council. The States will be represented by the respective Chief Ministers/Senior Ministers and the Union Territories by their respective Chief Ministers and Lt. Governors/Administrators.

The agenda of the meeting includes the remaining recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission relating to Administrative Relations, Emergency Provisions and Deployment of Union Armed Forces. Issues relating to Contract labour/Contract appointments, and Good Governance will also be discussed at the meeting. The meeting will conclude on August 28, 2003 with the concluding remarks of the Prime Minister and Vote of Thanks by the Deputy Prime Minister.

A Press Briefing is scheduled to be held at 12.15 p.m. on August 28, 2003 at the Media Centre in the Centaur Hotel adjacent to the SKICC.

The Inter-State Council was set up in May 1990 under Article 263 of the Constitution, pursuant to the recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations. The Council consists of the Prime Minister as Chairman and the Chief Ministers of all the States and the Union Territories with Legislative Assemblies, Lt. Governors/Administrators of other Union Territories and six Union Cabinet Ministers including the Deputy Prime Minister as Members. It also includes two other Union Cabinet Ministers as Permanent invitees.

The duties of the Council include investigation and discussion of any subject of common and general interest among the States and between the Union and States.

The Council has been mainly considering recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State Relations. The Commission made 247 recommendations on different aspects of Centre-State relation. The Inter-State Council in its seven meetings held so far, has considered 230 recommendations. These relate to Legislative Relations, Role of Governor, Reservation of Bills, All India Services, Financial Relations, Economic and Social Planning, Industries, Agriculture and so on. The remaining 17 Recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission are included in the Agenda for the Eighth Meeting and will be considered in the meeting of the Council being held here. The Seventh Meeting was held in New Delhi on November 16, 2001.