22nd August, 2003
Ministry of Steel  



China is currently the largest consumer and importer of steel in the world. As per IISI estimates, China consumed 211 million metric tonnes of finished steel products in 2002. Its consumption is estimated to reach 240 million metric tonnes by 2005.

China has imposed safeguard measures in the form of quotas on five categories of steel items with additional tariff in case the imports exceed the relevant quota. These measures do not apply to India. The exemption is subject to the condition that import share of India in a particular category should not exceed 3 per cent of China's total import volume in that category.

India exported primary and semi-finished iron and steel worth Rs. 2352 crore and iron and steel bar/rod worth Rs. 42 crore to china during the year 2002-03.

There is no imminent threat to Indian export of iron and steel from China. At present, China is a net importer of steel and its average import during the last three years was 25 million metric tonnes per year which is likely to touch 30 million metric tonnes per year in near future. On the other hand export of steel by China has remained between 5 to 7 million metric tonnes per year.

This information was given by the Minister for Steel Shri Braja Kishore Tripathy in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.