21st August, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  



Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, informed the Lok Sabha while replying to a question that good indications of hydrocarbon were found during seismic survey and drilling of oil wells at Block No. CB-ONN-2000/1 in Cambay Basin, adjoining Kutch Basin. The commercial reserves of oil and gas have not been established as yet. The block was offered under the second round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP-II) and is with the consortium comprising Gail (India) Limited (GAIL) and Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited (GSPCL), the operator.

Replying to supplementary questions, Shri Ram Naik informed the House that so far two wells have been drilled in the block which led to indications of hydrocarbon. To further evaluate the commerciality of the discovery, four more oil wells are required to be drilled. In reply to another query the Minister informed that the new oil reserves of good quality have been found in the State of Rajasthan as well.

Underlining the impetus given to maxmise oil self-dependency in the country, Shri Naik informed the House that a four pronged approach is being implemented by the Government to achieve this objective. As part of these 70 blocks, in the last four years, have been awarded for exploration of oil and gas in the country in addition to 24 blocks currently on offer in the fourth round of NELP. This is against 22 blocks awarded in the previous ten years. Efforts are being made to produce coal bed methane gas (CBM) by awarding eight blocks and nine more blocks being on offer currently. The third initiative include acquisition of equity oil/acreages abroad with India successfully bringing its own oil from Sudan oil field in May 2003. The blending of bio-fuels with petrol and diesel is also being pursued which will reduce import dependency as also help our farmers in getting better returns for their sugarcane from which ethanol is obtained for blending with petrol.