A bio-active eye
minus sight has been developed with negligible socket complications.
Generally when an eye had to removed due to injury, disease or
blindness, the empty socket used to create several complications
besides being non-cosmetic.
The Central Glass
and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, has developed this bio-active
integrated orbital implant for such needy persons. The CGCRI developed
this implant in collaboration with the Eye Care and Research Centre,
Kolkata and the Institute of Nuclear Medicines and Allied Sciences,
New Delhi.
The lost eye can
be mechanically replaced by this implant to fill up the orbital
volume left uncovered after the operation to achieve better rehabilitation
and cosmetic effect on the patient. The porous implant acts as
a scaffold for the rapid in-growth; i.e. the vascularised connective
tissues and bone. That is why this implant is capable of giving
a natural look of the eye with a fair degree of mobility in all
directions, mimicking the other unaffected eye, without any socket
This indigenous product
now under commercialisation, will cost one-tenth of the imported
one. The imported one presently costs around 80 dollars per unit,
according to CSIR.