8th August, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Centre is promoting soil test-based judicious use of chemical fertilizers in conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilizers to cope up with the situation arising out of injudicious and imbalanced use of fertilizers and limited use of organic manures. The Indian soils are generally poor in organic matter with organic carbon being less than 0.5%. There are instances of falling organic carbon content and decline in some major and micro nutrients in soil in certain parts of the country, especially the rice-wheat belt of the Indo-Gangetic plains.

A national programme has been finalised for encouraging farmers to take up organic farming. The crops to be taken up under the programme include fruits and vegetables. Under the programme, organic farming accreditation agencies have been identified. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation is also promoting enhanced use of green manure, vermi-compost, farm yard manure and Neem-based integrated pest management control measures in the organic farming system.

The average consumption of fertilizers in the country was 91.49 kg. per hectare and that of pesticides 0.57 kg. per hectare during 2001-02. To minimize the use of chemical pesticides, the Government is promoting Integrated Pest Management which is an eco-friendly approach.