1st August, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Rajya Sabha

Scientists of CCMB, Hyderabad, have discovered a new technique for examining DNA. This technique is able to establish exact identity of confiscated animals or their parts. This DNA-based approach, without any prior information about the history of a forensic sample, is able to establish whether a drop of blood, tiny piece of meat or bunch of hairs belong to human or animal, and if animal, to which species of the animal.

The technique developed at CCMB amplifies and sequences a specific fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from vast range of animal species. The comparison of the signatures of known animal species available in the database of signatures, with that obtained from a confiscated sample reveals the identity of the unknown sample beyond a reasonable doubt.

This information was given by Shri Bachi Singh Rawat, Minister of State for Science & Technology in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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