28th April, 2003
Ministry of Tribal Affairs  



The Ministry of Tribal Affairs implements several Central Sector/Centrally Sponsored Schemes/programmes for the socio-economic development of tribals in all the States/UTs, including these three new States. These schemes relate to their income generation, infrastructure development, promotion of health and education and improvement in literacy. Some schemes pertain to ensuring fair prices for minor forest produce and food security to the tribals besides the promotion of voluntary efforts in the area of tribal welfare. The States also provide for a Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) component from their State plans in proportion to the tribal population in the States, to be used for the development of Scheduled Tribes. The Central Ministries are also to spend 8% of their plans for development of the Scheduled Tribes and providing infrastructure in the tribal areas. The funds are released to the departments incharge of tribal welfare, who are required to ensure that these reach the beneficiaries.

This information was given by the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Shri Jual Oram in a written reply to a question from Shri S. S. Ahluwalia in the Rajya Sabha today.