25th April, 2003
Ministry of Steel  



The Research & Technology Mission functions under the technical wing of the Ministry of Steel. The mission has evaluated 62 proposals and forwarded 27 proposals to the Empowered Committee (EC) during the last three years. Out of 27, the EC approved 7 research proposals for financial assistance from Steel Development Fund (SDF). The remaining proposals have been rejected on the basis that they are inadequate R&D content, the scientific principles are not explained properly, techno-economic feasibility were not established and there was no participation by the industrial undertakings to utilize the results of the R&D activity. The proposers have been intimated the specific reasons for rejection and they may resubmit the proposals after meeting the deficiencies.

This information was given by the Minister for Steel, Shri Braja Kishore Triptahy in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.