24th April, 2003
Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources  


Lok Sabha

A potential for generation of about 67 MW power from urban wastes and about 6620 MW power from wind is estimated for the State of Karnataka.

A National Programme for recovery of energy from urban and industrial wastes is being implemented in all the States and Union Territories of the country. A project for generation of 1 MW power from biogas produced from distillery wastewater was installed at M/s Ugar Sugar Works, Ugar, Belgaum during the Ninth Five Year Plan period. As regards the power from wind, the Government of Karnataka has allotted 109 wind power projects with a capacity of 1654 MW. During the Ninth Five Year Plan period, wind power projects with an installed capacity of about 63 MW were commissioned.

Rs.69.97 lakh for waste-to-energy project and Rs.14.34 lakh for various support activities under wind power programme were provided by the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources during the Ninth Five Year Plan period. These funds have been utilized for the purpose for which they were released.

This information was given by Shri M. Kannappan, Minister of State for Non-conventional Energy Sources, in a written reply to a question by Shri S.D.N.R.Wadiyar in the Lok Sabha today.