17th April, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment made full utilization of the funds allocated as Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Special Component Plan (SCP) for Scheduled Castes during the last three financial years. The Planning Commission allocated Rs. 423 crore in 2000-01, Rs. 407.70 crore in 2001-02 and Rs. 371.62 crore in 2002-03 for the Special Component Plan for the Scheduled Caste. The continuous reduction in the SCA allocation for the last three years by the Planning Commission has been attributed to non –availing of SCA funds by Seven States. These states are Bihar, Goa, Jharkhand, Kerala, Manipur, Punjab and Delhi. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour and Welfare in its 30th Report on Demand for Grants has expressed serious concern over these states not availing the benefits of the scheme due to non submission of certificate in respect of funds released to them during 2001-02. The Supreme Court has directed that without getting the utilization certificaes, further grants shall not be released to the States/ Union Territories. The Committee has recommended that Planning Commission should put some embargo on the annual plan of such states. It said the ultimate sufferer are not the defaulting states but the poor SC families who have been deprived of the benefits of the scheme.

Under the scheme cent percent Central Assistance is extended to supplement efforts of the states / Union Territories for ensuring rapid socio economic development of the Scheduled Castes. The objective is to support scheduled caste families to enhance their productivity and income. 40% of the SCA is released to the State/ Union Territory on the basis of the SC population, 25% on the basis of percentage of SC families covered by composite development programmes in the state plans, 10% on the related backwardness of the State/Union Territory and the remaining 25% on the basis of Special Component Plan to the Annual Plan as compared to the SC population percentage in the State/ UT.