17th April, 2003
Ministry of Steel  


The Prime Minister's Trophy to the best integrated steel plant in India for the year 2000-01 was bagged by the Tata Iron & Steel Company Ltd., Jamshedpur (Tata Steel). The Company has bagged the trophy since its inception for the 4th time and 3rd time in succession. Shri B.Muthuraman Managing Director, Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. and Shri R.B.B. Singh, President of Tata Steel Workers' Union, Jamshedpur received the Trophy from the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee in a function held here today. The Trophy carries a cash award of Rs. 1 crore to be utilized for the benefit of the employees of the plant.

The Prime Minister congratulated the management and the workers of Tata Steel and said that TISCO stands not only for excellence but also for sustained excellence in the field of Iron and Steel. It is the pride of India because it is one of the pioneers of indigenous industrialisation in India. The fact that it would soon be celebrating a century of its existence shows the long road it has traversed. He said that Jamsetji Tata faced the challenges posed by the British people and ventured to produce steel rails in his mill. Tata Steel has succeeded in growing from strength to strength and has transformed itself into a modern and globally competitive company.

Shri Vajpayee said that Indian Steel Industry has been a major beneficiary of global markets. Last year was a bumper year for steel exports. This has helped remove the recession in our steel industry. Some of the steel plants in the country have not only adopted international best practices and benchmarks in terms of quality and costs, but have improved upon them. This has been possible because these companies have systematically planned for global competition and made it a part of their organisational culture.

The PM assured one and all that protection and promotion of the interests of the Indian agriculture, Indian industry and Indian service enterprises and creation of employment by them is the primary aim of economic reforms. He said "We are alert and active whenever out industry is subjected to unfair measures in global markets." The
Government has been intervening strongly in support of the Indian steel industry in the case of the difficulties that it has been facing in some markets in the name of anti-dumping. He called upon the steel producers to focus on the changing needs of both domestic and international customers and produce the right kind of materials for every segment. They should intensify the search for new and unconventional markets.

PM stressed on high value steel products in international markets. He was happy to note that India is emerging as a global leader in the outsourcing of automobile components. He emphasised on research and development for sustaining the industry's growth momentum. He said that the steel industry should develop without jeopardizing the well-being of the coming generations.

Speaking on the occasion the Minister for Steel Shri Braja Kirshore Tripathy praised the Tata Steel for their wonderful performance. He said that it is a tribute to Indian entrerpreneurship that TISCO is one of the lowest cost producers of steel in the world. Hinting at the changed steel scenario, he said that the industry had come out of the depression it had been facing for more than 3 years. Today there is optimism and all round improvement both in production and financial performance. India continues to be net exporter of steel and today occupies the eighth position in steel production and the first position in sponge iron production in the world.

Domestic steel prices, he said, have firmed up in the face of improved demand-both domestic and foreign. Better price realization has led to an improvement in the financial performance of most of the Indian steel plants. This has resulted in the revival of the economic growth and the recovery of key end-user sectors of steel. With the continued focus on infrastructure development and construction activities including housing- the industry's mood is upbeat. Steel production and consumption during 2002-03 have increased by 7.2 per cent and 5.3 per cent respectively as compared to 2001-02 while exports have shown a healthy growth of 36.8 per cent in spite of protective measures taken by several countries.

The Minister said that the performance of public sector steel plants has also shown substantial improvement this year. Production and sale of steel by Steel Authority of India Limited has shown a growth of 7 per cent and 5.3 percent respectively. On current performances, it is expected that SAIL will turn around this year. Similarly, Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant has registered a growth of 9 per cent in the steel production and has recorded for the first time a net profit of Rs. 450 crore. All the PSU's of Steel Ministry put together have redocrded an increase of Rs. 2000 crore in profitablity during 2002-03 over the previous year. Due to PM's initiatives, the Railway and Union Budge 2003-04 have proposed measures congenial to the iron and steel sector. He also outlined the measures taken by the Ministry to increase per capita steel consumption in the country in the urban and rural areas.

Shri Tripathy said that during the post-liberalisation period 19 green field projects with capacity of 13 million tonnes and investment of Rs. 34,000 crore were envisaged. Out of these, so far 9 units with capacity of 6 million tonnes per annum have been commissioned and the remaining are under various stages of completion.

A century old Tata Steel founded by the illustrious industrialist Shri Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, has stood the test of time. It has successfully combined business success with service to the society. It is traditional in its value system and modern in its business approach. It is continuously improving its performance and satisfying its various stakeholders. It has enhanced its competitive position and today ranks amongst the most globally competitive steel plants in the world. The company has created a special work culture with its talented people who work as a team.

The PM's trophy was instituted in the year 1992-93. The primary objective of the scheme is to generate a sense of competition among the integrated steel plants so that the plants can continuously compare themselves with the best and try to improve upon their performance indices.

The selection of the best integrated steel plant is done on the basis of a predetermined scheme by a panel of judges comprising of eminent technologists, economists, consumers of steel and workers' representatives.