10th April, 2003
Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs  


The Golden Jubilee function marking the completion of fifty years of Finance Commission was inaugurated in the forenoon of 9th April, 2003 by the Hon’ble President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This was followed by a meeting of the Twelfth Finance Commission with the Finance Ministers of states at 2.00 P.M. in Vigyan Bhawan. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chairman, TFC, Shri Sompal, Shri T.R. Prasad, and Prof. D.K. Srivastava, Members and Dr. G.C. Srivastava, Secretary of the Twelfth Finance Commission were also present.

The meeting commenced with the launching of the official website of the Twelfth Finance Commission by Dr. C. Rangarajan who also released a Commemorative Volume brought out by the Commission captioned ‘Fifty years of Fiscal Federalism’. The volume contains extracts from the reports of the First to the Eleventh Finance Commissions comprising their terms of reference, issues and approaches, summary of recommendations etc.

Chairman, Twelfth Finance Commission, outlined the agenda of the meeting and sought the views of the States on vertical and horizontal devolution, desirable proportion of taxes and grants in the Finance Commission’s award, assignment of funds to the panchayats, sustainable levels of debt and norms for the states to raise revenues etc.

Most States demanded a steep enhancement of the vertical devolution of Central taxes to States, appropriate compensation for loss on account of VAT, consideration for the impact of the Fifth Pay Commission’s recommendations and a pragmatic scheme of debt relief including reduction in interest rates, moratorium and rescheduling of loans for easing the resource constraints of the States. They also wanted the special problems of their respective States to be kept in view while assessing their expenditure requirements. Chief Ministers of Uttranchal, Assam and Manipur, Dy. Chief Minister of Meghalaya and Finance Ministers of Gujarat, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir, Nagaland, Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa and Bihar attended the meeting. Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu were represented by their Chief Secretaries/Finance Commissioners/Principal S! ecretaries.

Chairman Twelfth Finance Commission thanked the participants and assured a detailed discussion on specific problems during the Commission’s visits to the states.

The Twelfth Finance Commission met the Chairmen and Members of the previous Finance Commissions on the following day, 10th April, 2003 at 10 A.M. in Vigyan Bhawan. Chairman, Twelfth Finance Commission, asked the participants to share their experience with regard to the considerations that have gone into their recommendations on their terms of reference including vertical and horizontal devolution of Central taxes, determining the relative weights of taxes and grants and augmenting the resources of local bodies. He also emphasized the need for coordination in the working of Planning and Finance Commissions as the plan resource transfer is largely in the term of loans, the servicing of which adds to revenue expenditure.

The participants expressed concern at the deteriorating fiscal health of both the Centre and the States and offered suggestions to balance the different criteria for sharing of resources. The Chairmen and Members of the previous Finance Commissions included Shri NKP Salve, Dr. B.S. Minhas, Shri R. Ramachandran, Dr. C.H. Hanumantha Rao, Shri V.B. Eswaran, Shri Justice T.P.S. Chawla, Shri G.C. Baveja, Shri Mahesh Prasad, Shri B.P.R. Vithal, Shri M.C. Gupta, Shri Arun Sinha, Shri N.C. Jain, Shri J.C. Jetly, Dr. Amresh Bagchi and Shri T.N. Srivastava.

Chairman, TFC, thanked the participants for their views and assured them that the Commission would keep them in view while formulating their recommendations.